It's already shooting, though I'm surprised at my choice of upper limb now as I look at it. There was natural reflex at the end of the stave and I chose that end for the upper limb. I heated a little reflex in the lower limb and glued some into the splice but what I heated in came out in tillering. I would have thought that more reflexed limb would've worked better on the bottom. I'll shoot it both ways before I do the grip and floppy rest. Never too late to turn it upside down.

Now that I think about it, I'll bet the string isn't centered in the handle and I chose the limb that made it closest to center shot. I'll find out later today.
I'm batchin it this week Muffin, the wife is away visiting grandkids. If I can find my tripod I might take a couple videos when I'm testing to make sure I have the correct limb up.
Yes I agree, we dodged a bullet when she opened that letter. Those moccasin skins are really nicely marked. I think the yellow wood behind the skin helped bring out the pattern too. Usually a cottonmouth that long would have been much wider and almost black. Cipriano did me right for sure, I texted him a picture as soon as I had the skins in place and saw how they looked.

I should get a couple hours of work done on it this afternoon. I experimented with a rope wrap grip, but have decided instead on a plain black leather grip. Just happened to receive some lovely black leather in trade.

I love the look of a plain leather grip for some reason.