I thought all these arguments started by squirrels posts were over, but all I see is them becoming more and more frequent. Saddening really.

No matter what question you ask Squirrel we keep giving you the same advice. But for some reason you refuse to take it. Like ADB said, there are no shortcuts, you have to use what you got, even it it not exactly what you want. Getting a better bow wood will not help you to make a better bow. You had hickory, one of the best and most durable IMO, and you broke it. Completely understandable since your a beginner, but it still happened. The only way to stop this is through practice. and more practice. I did it and I'm not much older than you. But I listened o advice given to me and It helped an incredible amount. Here are some bows that I made based on others advice, and most are still shooting, or if not, they survived thousands upon thousands of shots. If I can do it so can you.