Author Topic: Nock High  (Read 6103 times)

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Offline nclonghunter

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Nock High
« on: May 21, 2012, 10:47:22 am »
I recently took one wood shaft and put a nock and 145gn field point, then shot it from about 8 yards. The arrow fly's true for left and right, however it was nock high. I began moving my string nock up and down hoping to get a true flat arrow flight. The result was that as I moved the string nock it got worse or better, but never got a level arrow. The best I could get was about a one inch high nock. Shooting arrows with feathers, they would shoot flat into the target,but the bare shaft still was a little high.

Is a nock high normal or O.K. if the feathered arrows are flying true?

Again, left and right are perfect, so what is needed to get it level up and down?
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Offline Pappy

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Re: Nock High
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2012, 01:06:50 pm »
1 inch sound a little high but if they shoot good that is all that matters, Mine are usually about 1/8 to 3/16 high above 90degrees. Most of the time they will fly a little nock not fletched. :) Also you may want to look at your form,if you have your elbow high it will cause the arrow to fly high nock,try and be sure you keep it flat[aligned with the arrow] as you draw the bow back. :)
« Last Edit: May 21, 2012, 01:12:21 pm by Pappy »
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Offline macbow

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Re: Nock High
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2012, 06:28:14 pm »
If I'm reading this right you have the nock of the arrow hitting 1" high bare shafting.
Doesn't sound bad to me.
Of coarse the arrows flying true with feathers is the goal.
Just for fun see what that bare shaft does at 15 or 20 yards.
Many times good flight with a bare shaft shows how good your shooting form more than anything.
Ron Mackenberg   Warsaw, MO.

Offline nclonghunter

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Re: Nock High
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2012, 07:57:20 pm »
Thanks for the reply's, I read what I had posted and it sounds like my string nock is one inch high. What I meant was my arrow nock was about one inch high in the target. I wanted the arrow to enter level or straight in the target, but it is a little high.

My string nock is about 3/16 above square.

Since I could not get it to hit the target flat then it may be form... :-\

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Offline beetlebailey1977

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Re: Nock High
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2012, 11:17:28 pm »
From 8 yards 1" high is not bad at all.
Happy hunting to all!
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Offline nclonghunter

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Re: Nock High
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2012, 09:36:26 am »
I keep a block target in my garage and every day or two I will pick up my bow and shoot 4-5 arrows( sometimes more). Some days I am shooting a small circle, then other days I group them tight enough to wrap a thumb and first finger around the group. Funny, but I like to see how my day is going, if I am focused or not. Seems to be pretty accurate.

Form, is a measure of focus I believe.

Archery is a not a seasonal experience, if it's something you are driven to do.
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Offline crooketarrow

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Re: Nock High
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2012, 11:27:49 am »
  Your right I think focus is at least 1/2 that leaves 1/4 for form and a 1/4 for equiment.
  Ajust the brase hight and string nock untill your arrow look like they jump off the bow. My bows a center shot I ajust my brase and nock to where my arrows are straight after yard or two yards when the feathers even out the flight.