i was just out shooting with the wife,and i took out my number one go to shooter....a bamboo backed osage if ya'll remember it. ive shot thousands of arrows out of this thing and tonight its life came to an end. i really loved this bow...dang.

i got wacked upside the head(i prob needed it),but im ok...just a small headache,and a lil heart ache to go with it. i am having a rotten week,car needs fixed,van got a flat,then van failed inspection n needs more fixing,some fam issues,i had to leave work early tue due to a small fam emergency,and blah blah blah...one of those weeks and now this....whats next!!!!

the diagnoses is an easy one....it broke at a small cluster of pin knots...the osage was a plain sawn oriented piece of wood...it was a stave planed flat,and the clusters were still in the bow limb with no violation,yet its time was up..........
oh well...go make another i guess...