Well i'm between wait times on a several projects, and decided i need a "utility" bow in the process. I've been itching to try a heavy pyramid bow, so here's my go at it.
I found some nice hickry at the local wood store, and did my layout and such. I'm going 2 inches at the fades to 3/8" at the tips, 66" long if i remember correctly. Tried a couple of new things (for me) and figured I'd share it out. I really didn't wanna back this one, but then i saw some camo giftwrap at the store and said "hmmmmm".. I remember someone recently used camo tissue paper for a nice effect (Pat B), AND there was this little swirly i was worried about:

So the plan is to back with linen (from an old pair of extra comfy pants I had

), and then apply the camo and poly.
I got a cue from 4esttrekker on his buildalong about using a radial saw to rough out the thickness on the limbs. I don't have a radial saw, but i do have a table saw

Incidentally, after i did this i went back and lookd at 4est's build, and he said DO NOT use a table saw, it's a losing game. He's right if you aren't ultra careful, and maybe even if you are

So here's what i done. I took safety guard off of the table saw

and adjusted the height to a hair under 3/8". My board is 7/8" thick, so this will leave my desired 1/2" after the cut.

The plan is to run the belly of the board from near the tips to the fade in several passes. The purpose is to remove the bulk of the wood and set a nice uniform depth for the whole limb. NOTE: I was VERY careful near the tips, in fact, i left them alone and started the cuts about 7" in from the end. The table saw could rip those to shreds if it caught the edge, and i actually wanted to leave them a little thicker, so i did those by hand. Here's the result:

Each pass, I gently pressed the limb down on the blade and then after contact with the table i pushed it along cutting up into the fade. Ideally, i could have let the blade cut the fade in completely, but i stopped a little short cuz i was short on time, so finished that out by hand as well. Done right, it would cut a perfect fade with the 10" blade.
Here's how the limb looks after a little drawknifing and scraping.

Its baby smooth and perfectly flat and level, I checked with my calipers

I started this on Saturday, but only working in short sessions. So far I've got about 2-3 hours total on this one, and she's ready to tiller after i cut the nocks in tomorrow morning. Tiller will start on Saturday if all goes well

Here's a pic of the tip roughed out with the linen applied:

More to come! Love to hear your thoughts.