Thanks for the comments guys.Kviljo,the reflex continued after that last pic so that the siyahs were side by side . I t didn't need a string to hold it in place. Kept on tightening the string while the sinew was contracting.After curing used a spreader after first warming the bow , then let it sit for a few days.It was opened up far enough to put the what they call tepeliks .You tie them in the position where the hinges go that will determine the shape and that the limbs will bend mainly in these areas.They will also bend in the area just in front of the siyahs .After all that it goes on the tillering board and goes to the first pegs.A couple of days later to the next and so on.Each time it needs to be warmed up.Tillering is not the same as with a selfbow.If you were careful and made all the components equal, It should come in halfway decent .If one limb is a bit stiff then it needs some heat applied and over bent in the stiff area.Eventually it will come in.If you keep the bow in a warming box,much of the reflex will come back.More pic on the way to explain some of this stuff.The next bow will be more fully documented.Cut my teeth on this one. Eppo I mean , Ekwos