American hhb (ironwood) with rawhide backing, (because of breaks).
Me and my uncle got the tiller pretty perfect and then reflexed the limbs more to account for set...
But for the first limb we used a recurve jig that I had modeled off of this site, it worked great on previous selfbows, but this jig had a back to it, so it bounces some of the heat onto the belly of the bow, which melted some if the rawhide

we ripped it up and then glued it back, and also glued a Osage lam to the other limb(which we reflexed with a diffrent jig)
This is the same bow from my first post on this site, it just doesnt seem tomwant to be a bow

But I will force it and make it fling some arrows for me
Ps. I shot it today,(without the recurve and thinned tips) not too special, no fist pumping. It just seemed a little sluggish(I shot it right after my uncles awesome bbo so there was no comparison)