I have extreme respect for those hunting from the ground! I've even taken a few deer from the ground with a bow, but it was on the way to or from my deer stand. I've been busted enough times even from a stand by being smelled or seen to know that trying to stalk one is really difficult.
I think different parts of the country might warrant different techniques for hunting. Where we live with hard woods, dry leaves, etc. would make stalking really difficult I would think. A ground blind would be better from a noise standpoint probably, but still a challenge to beat their smelling you. There are some I'm sure that think we're taking an easier approach by hunting from a stand. Maybe so, even though we put a lot of time and effort into learning and developing the best stand locations. That in itself takes a lot of experience to be good at I think, just as would stalking. I personally believe that hunting from a stand will yield a higher opportunity for success at least in the part of the country where we hunt. It allows you to be within the range we're limited to with our choice of primitive equipment, while also to some degree negating the deers sense of smell, sight, and hearing. I think the Indians would have used these same tactics when the situation called for it. I like putting meat in the freezer, and I think I'm going about it in the best way in my area to accomplish that.
I repeat...I highly respect those that go about it differently, we don't all have the same goals...that's what make us all individuals.