Author Topic: Another noob first bow, red oak board  (Read 1569 times)

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Offline oic0

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Another noob first bow, red oak board
« on: May 09, 2012, 11:51:33 pm »
My biggest question is, is it safe to shoot? The grain is straight but kinda canted in relation to the board. kind like /  /   /  /  (not quite that much) rather than -_-_-_-_- (looks about halfway between these two at the top here http://p htm )
Anyhow, here she is. Let me know if I am about to seriously hurt my self ;) The draw weight is... well... more than my 50lb fish scale will measure and enough to make my fingers hurt. I made the draw length for my wife, but there is no way she could pull the weight. I have a bit over 30 inch draw, the bow is 62 inches. I don't think im confident enough to make it pull to my length. Kinda scared to start lowering the draw weight. Scared I might mess it up.

Also, I made it with a hand saw, rasp, file, and scraper thingy so its not perfect. I'm about to the point of what my noob brain knows what to do. Lemme know what I should fix  :-[   Remove material by the handle and towards the ends?

I made a tiller from a thick paint stirer, but past 17 inches it starts to bend, this board is about 20 inches.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2012, 08:36:50 am by Pappy »


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Re: Another noob first bow, red oak board
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2012, 10:41:13 am »
The piece of handle you glued on is waaaaaaaay to long,and that might want to pop off on you. Not sure what to tell you on tiller cus it needs to bend more where its glued on closer to where you grip it... ???

Offline oic0

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Re: Another noob first bow, red oak board
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2012, 01:34:19 am »
I went to town on the area on other side of the grip, fades to nothing, then paper thin, then a few mm near the handle. Bends much better now. Still too many lbs for the wife but I can shoot it fine (The rather fat handle also only works well in my big hands). Sofar only about 3/4" set after 100 or so pulls and a few hours strung with a very short brace height, but I'm sure it will gain some when I give it some real brace height.
Also note the sandals my wife made me make her while I was at it :/ same material as my bow. Nosiest flip flops ever. have industrial flooring as a sole. 
« Last Edit: May 13, 2012, 01:44:16 am by oic0 »