Hey Tom - The only one I know of that is really affordable is Overstreet. Of course the Bell & Perino books are the ultimate source, but they are very expensive to own, even used and I think you have to get four volumes to have them all. If you can find it used, "Flint Blades & Projectile Points of the North American Indian" by Lawrence N. Tully is pretty good, but for instance, it did not include a Midland Point. I don't know the current price or if it is in print (check Amazon). It is B&W photographs, but nice ones.
If you don't mind line drawings (I like them), "Stone Age Spear and Arrow Points" by Noel D. Justice isn't a bad book, but it is likely to cost around $40 new. It might be much cheaper used on Amazon.
A good compromise is "A Field Guide to the Artifacts of Texas," and it costs only about $20 used on Amazon (but more like $57 new). It only has line drawings and is geographically limited.