Hello fella's !
I'm very new on these forums, but then again i'm not. Over 10 years ago I was on here asking questions and absorbing knowledge under the name of FreshBowyer.(account died tough, otherwise i'd login with that)
Haven't practiced making selfbows for ages now, and wanted to pick it up again. (got bit by the microbe once again after making some survival/kid bows for my oldest son that turned 5 recently)
Back in the days I ordered 2 really good looking Osage staves from a kind man on here (can't rememenber his name or nickname tough) as Osage is hardly available in Europe (Belgium) where I live. (Anybody remember sending 2 Osage staves up to Belgium 10 years ago ?

But i never got around making bows out of them .. They have moved with me over the years, from 1 shed to another, in there cardboard packaging all waxed-up.
And now I wonder, will these still be able to make me a decent bow ? (moisture level and such)
I'd like to quote
Ron Hardcastle from page 20 in the
Bowyers Bible vol. 1 about
"Cutting and seasoning wood"I once made a bow from a stave wich was cut in 1939, and since the bow had slept as a stave for fifty years, I named it "Sleeping Beauty". The friend to whom I gave the bow successfully used it on a hunt in Michigan in four degree weather, and was so moved by the bows performance he wrote a poem about it and inscribed it on the lower limb.
Could these 2 staves produce 1 (or 2) "Sleeping beauties" ?
I realise its hard to judge this without any pictures of these staves, but at the moment its too dark out to take any. (i'll provide some pictures tomorrow)
I'd be thankfull for any insight/suggestions or heeds of warning you guys might have on these staves after viewing the pictures !
Thanks for reading,