Author Topic: R/D caul  (Read 5926 times)

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Offline Mad Max

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R/D caul
« on: August 06, 2013, 08:45:51 pm »
I saw this Caul at Mojam a few weeks ago, so i made a tracing of it on a piece of cardboard.
and decided to make one.
What you will need.  3  68" long 2x10, a tape measure, some glue, 3" long screws

Drive a screw in a board that is clamped down on a table for your tape measure to swing from.
Mark a vertical center line on your 2x10, mark a cross hair at 11-1/32" to the left and right of the center line  7/8" up from bottom of 2x 10 (cross hair B left and right)
Mark a cross hair line 30 1/32 left and right of your center line 3 1/2" up from the bottom ( cross hair A  left and right)

hook your tape measure on the screw and pull it out to 28", move your 2x10 to the 28" on your tape,start swing your tape and adjust your 2x10 until  you are at 28" on cross hair A and B when you swing you tape, mark your arc. while you swing your tape. now mark a arc at 25" so you will have a 3" wide caul. do this for the other side too.


Spin the caul 180* so you can swing the handle arc. and move the caul back to 52", swing your tape as before until your 52" arc line up with cross hair B left and B right, mark your arc. as you swing your tape.  now mark a arc. at 55" so your caul will be 3" wide. Now you should have all 6 arc lines drawn.

Now ruff cut your caul, stay away from the lines 1/4 to 1/2"
Drill holes bigger than the screws in this caul, and screw and glue it down to your second board.
No need to wait , band saw both boards at the same time ( I use a metal cutting blade 14 teeth per inch it makes a smother cut).      Glue and screw that down to your third board same as before.
You can leave it like that or you can draw more arc. on the third board to make it look like mine.
I made a bow with this caul it should be finished in about a week.
I would rather fail trying to do something above my means, Than to succeed at something beneath my means.


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Re: R/D caul
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2013, 03:17:50 pm »
Nice mini build along, thanks max. Looks a lot like Dave's R/D shape.
Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.

Offline Mad Max

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Re: R/D caul
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2013, 05:19:16 pm »
If you have a band saw it's really easy to make :-X
I would rather fail trying to do something above my means, Than to succeed at something beneath my means.

Offline Onebowonder

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Re: R/D caul
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2013, 09:05:43 pm »
If it's the one he traced at MOJAM, ...I bet it is Dave's R/D shape!

I had meant to make a tracing myself this year but failed to do so.  Thanx MAX!  I got one 2 years ago, thanx Patches, but it got wet before I got it home.


Offline Mad Max

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Re: R/D caul
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2013, 06:52:43 pm »
If it's the one he traced at MOJAM, ...I bet it is Dave's R/D shape!

I had meant to make a tracing myself this year but failed to do so.  Thanx MAX!  I got one 2 years ago, thanx Patches, but it got wet before I got it home.


YES I traced it at MOJAM
I would rather fail trying to do something above my means, Than to succeed at something beneath my means.