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Author Topic: What's your favorite length bow and your draw length?  (Read 7523 times)

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Offline straightarrow

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Re: What's your favorite length bow and your draw length?
« Reply #15 on: May 03, 2012, 05:17:25 pm »
I'm a hunter and prefer a 60 to 62" bow. I seem to shoot them the best. Any longer I tend to have trouble hitting the bottom of my tree l stand. My draw is 25 to 26" all depending on the type of bow


Offline bubby

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Re: What's your favorite length bow and your draw length?
« Reply #16 on: May 03, 2012, 05:39:40 pm »
most of my pesonal bows are 60"-64" ntn, plenty short for me to hunt with, but i'm with JW, a 70" bow you can shoot all day and hit most everything, Bub
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Offline johnston

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Re: What's your favorite length bow and your draw length?
« Reply #17 on: May 03, 2012, 07:14:51 pm »
My draw is 25"to26" and I am a short feller. Don't climb trees anymore but do a lot of
woods busting. I really like 60 "to 62" bows but shoot best around 64". My bows are
straight limbed.


Offline bushboy

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Re: What's your favorite length bow and your draw length?
« Reply #18 on: May 04, 2012, 07:35:07 am »
I have made bows from 72" down to 62" all 50 to 60lb @ my 28" draw!but it was my version of a elb that has taught me how to have better groups!that practice 4 me translates itself when I try a shorter ones I did a while back!useing my bb elm elb is where I first found my groups!bobbyjoe!
Some like motorboats,I like kayaks,some like guns,I like bows,but not the wheelie type.

Offline Hrothgar

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Re: What's your favorite length bow and your draw length?
« Reply #19 on: May 04, 2012, 10:29:27 am »
I enjoy shooting the ELBs but in recent years have become comfortable shooting 64" american longbows in the backyard. When I go tromping through the woods I prefer to carry something 60" or less--partially because the shorter bows are easier to manipulate in the woods, but also because It 'feels' more authentically primitive.
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Offline woodsrunner

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Re: What's your favorite length bow and your draw length?
« Reply #20 on: May 04, 2012, 02:02:48 pm »
I like a 60-62" bow and shoot it well. Longer is cumbersom, short is unforgiving. I pull 27.5-28" depends on the day.
Bowhunting is a passion, not an obsession. Its just hard for my wife to tell the difference sometimes.