Del, excellent idea, we could convince the bunny huggers to dress up in those suits, as a protest to archery.

Take care of two birds with one arrow.

Dane, thanks for illuminating the spelling error for me. I didn't catch it when I proof read it. But it be fixatated now, and I polished it really well.

At my age, it may be that I might need a "winch" in the future.....

And a screw driver as well, JW.

Boy, ol Mad jack was a character, I don't think I would want to have commanding me!

"Private, be a good lad, and go and fetch my arrow, from the body, of that poor unsuspecting Bosch, Chap, and step lively now." Too bad he had the infantry men shoot, so soon, it spoiled the shocked, and confused look on their faces, when they saw their companion sprouting feathers, on a stick!

Goot himmel, vas is los mit dat? Red neck translation,... Whut the hell? I think the Brits, had used crossbows, on a few commando raids. Not sure. I know there was a movie, where they did, but with Holly Wood, anything is possible.

But all of this aside, I wish a winning story, for you Will, and with a last name like Carothers, what better subject to write about?
