Author Topic: Cherry stave - leave sapwood on or off?  (Read 1226 times)

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Offline doggonemess

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Cherry stave - leave sapwood on or off?
« on: May 01, 2012, 01:31:53 pm »

My neighbor just cut down a massive Cherry tree, and I got a six foot section for bow making. The log split well into three sections, and I can probably make five staves from it. Right now, it's sitting under the porch off the ground seasoning. I'll split it into staves in a few months.

My question is this - should I leave the sapwood on the stave when it's time to make the bow? It has a rich, red heartwood and a relatively thin light colored sapwood. I'm not sure about hardwoods, though. I've read that you're not supposed to leave the sapwood as it can be weak and ruin the bow. I know with yew and similar woods, you can leave the sapwood and it makes the bow even better.

I'll provide some pics of the cross-section soon. It looks pretty darn good to me. Thanks!
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Re: Cherry stave - leave sapwood on or off?
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2012, 02:21:38 pm »
Leave the wood intact and just peel bark and cambium off.
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Offline Buckeye Guy

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Re: Cherry stave - leave sapwood on or off?
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2012, 03:49:16 pm »
Just peel and go !
Sounds like some nice stuff !
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Offline dwardo

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Re: Cherry stave - leave sapwood on or off?
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2012, 07:09:23 pm »
Love cherry for bow wood. I have tried just under the outer bark silk backed, silk backed no bark at all and no backing at all, all worked well.

Offline soy

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Re: Cherry stave - leave sapwood on or off?
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2012, 03:52:39 am »
Get the bark off asap had some go bad leaving it on in stave form.and boath ways ive been told work.
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