Hey guys.
I got a little overzealous with the spoke shave when rounding my belly on another ELB thing and now I have a twisting limb. It only twists when the limb is flexed. I can never remember which side to focus on to fix it. Looking down thelength there is a bit of a hollow on the limb. No real hinges. I thought I'd be clever and take a belly scrap, which is tapered, clean it up from saw marks then radicaly grind one part of one edge and see what was happening when it was flexed.
See I can never remember if the wood dives on the weak side leaving the other side standing up or if it pulls down on the stong side and the weak side comes up.
At one point I had it almost out then I think I confused which ends were which and I put it back in. Now I scrape on the high side and I don't see anything getting better. So I scrape on the low side and I don't see a change.
Back to my scrap experiment. Tt was bending flat, then I ground it some more and it LOOKS like it goes down on the thin side leaving the thick side high.
The limb just has a noticable amount of twist in it. It is coming along great otherwise. I'd like to fix it quickly so that I'll have a higher draw weight bow.
What do I do to fix it?