Author Topic: PROBLEM!: HorseBow DrawLenght@28'' And my DrawLenght is 30.25''  (Read 5493 times)

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Offline NoIdeaForMyName

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Hello everyone,

I just bought this horsebow : Description
Bow Material
Snakeskin, Mulberry wood, Glass Steel
String Material
Draw weight
Draw Lenght
28 Inch
Overall Length
String Length
Brand New
Weight After Packing
1.7KG and I'm wondering if there's any risk to break the bow since my draw lenght is 30.25'' . Will it be safe? It's my first tradtional bow and it has 60LBS@28'' and my draw lenght is 30.25'' like I said, so the draw weight will be around 70LBS for me.. which is insane for someone that never shooted traditional bow. So yeah, I really hope you guys will be able to tell me if it's dangerous or not for the bow!

Thanks alot in advance, have a good day!

« Last Edit: April 26, 2012, 12:00:23 am by NoIdeaForMyName »

Offline kleinpm

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Re: PROBLEM!: HorseBow DrawLenght@28'' And my DrawLenght is 30.25''
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2012, 11:53:12 pm »
It's hard to tell what the limbs are made of. They look like fiberglass so you could probably draw it to 30.5.
Is that draw length for shooting a compound? Just curios, since most people drawing that far are shooting war bows.


Offline fishfinder401

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Re: PROBLEM!: HorseBow DrawLenght@28'' And my DrawLenght is 30.25''
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2012, 11:54:54 pm »
im not sure, you might, but ill let someone more experienced answer that, but unfortunaly you cant link to ebay on here,  so you should remove the link asap, but you can psot the ics and info given on the page
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Offline NoIdeaForMyName

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Re: PROBLEM!: HorseBow DrawLenght@28'' And my DrawLenght is 30.25''
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2012, 11:59:02 pm »
My draw lenght is calculated with a calculator that need my wingspan, and substract 15 and divide per 2.
And yea I get 30,25'' probably because I'm 6'2''

Offline Newindian

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Re: PROBLEM!: HorseBow DrawLenght@28'' And my DrawLenght is 30.25''
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2012, 12:13:31 am »
Get an arrow ,hold the nock on your chest, then reach with both hands as far as you can down the arrow mark it then messuere it and that sould be your draw length. I'm betting it's shorter because I'm 5'11" and I draw to 26
« Last Edit: April 26, 2012, 12:30:35 am by Newindian »
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Offline Pat B

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Re: PROBLEM!: HorseBow DrawLenght@28'' And my DrawLenght is 30.25''
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2012, 12:37:10 am »
I moved this thread here because it is about a FG bow.
  Contact the bowyer. He would know for sure.
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Offline fishfinder401

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Re: PROBLEM!: HorseBow DrawLenght@28'' And my DrawLenght is 30.25''
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2012, 12:53:24 am »
Get an arrow ,hold the nock on your chest, then reach with both hands as far as you can down the arrow mark it then messuere it and that sould be your draw length. I'm betting it's shorter because I'm 5'11" and I draw to 26
it really depends on your build, im bairly 5'10 and i draw 29.5
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Offline NoIdeaForMyName

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Re: PROBLEM!: HorseBow DrawLenght@28'' And my DrawLenght is 30.25''
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2012, 01:01:48 am »
The seller on ebay said it should be ok.. if it break he will refund. But I would really like to get an accurate idea about will it break or not?



Offline fishfinder401

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Re: PROBLEM!: HorseBow DrawLenght@28'' And my DrawLenght is 30.25''
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2012, 01:12:43 am »
i think you would be good, especiallyif the builder says so,  and from my limited experience, those types of bows were meant to be drawn that far back,( if im wrong please correct me)
warbows and fishing, what else is there to do?
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Re: PROBLEM!: HorseBow DrawLenght@28'' And my DrawLenght is 30.25''
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2012, 05:03:55 am »
If it's glass you should be fine especially as the maker has said so.
Without seeing the bow and working out how close to the edge it is - nobody (apart from the maker) can say for definate if it can take the extra draw. Fiberglass has no memory and can take a lot of abuse!
I'm 6' and only draw 26 but with a warbow I can manage 31.5 - horses for courses!

Offline Pat B

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Re: PROBLEM!: HorseBow DrawLenght@28'' And my DrawLenght is 30.25''
« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2012, 10:27:17 am »
The seller will always say its OK!  ::)  What did the bowyer say. He made it and will know. The seller is just making money with it.  ;)
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline NoIdeaForMyName

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Re: PROBLEM!: HorseBow DrawLenght@28'' And my DrawLenght is 30.25''
« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2012, 10:40:07 am »
Well Pat, the seller on ebay is the one representing the company so I guess it's fine..  ;)
And its mulberry wood not fiber glass as mentioned in the description above, and from the restricted knowledge I've learned from asking people about my problem, the taller the bow is, the less it affects the bow if the draw lenght is exceeded. I just want more opinions since I didn't recieve the bow yet, and I'm wondering if I should buy arrow for it right now or test it with the one I have (Which are not balanced for the bow). I really want this bow but I obviously don't want to break it..

Thanks again to those who read this!

« Last Edit: April 26, 2012, 02:35:02 pm by NoIdeaForMyName »

Offline DarkSoul

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Re: PROBLEM!: HorseBow DrawLenght@28'' And my DrawLenght is 30.25''
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2012, 08:12:24 am »
And its mulberry wood not fiber glass as mentioned in the description

The limbs have a mulberry core, but are covered (probably belly and back) with glass. If I googled the right Ebay product, it's just a glass horsebow. Not traditional. I don't know what you're after, but you must considered this bow to not be authentic. I also don't believe that "tendon string". It's probably some sort of plastic.

You don't know what your drawlength is, until you've tried a bow. Drawlength depends on your wingspan, but also largely on your technique and anchor point. For practical considerations, you can (for now) assume your drawlength is about 30". However, since you said you've never shot a bow before, I am 100% sure you will be overbowed with a 60#@28" horsebow! It will be too heavy for you. Especially at your drawlength, but even at 28" I think the 60# will be too much for you. You need to learn technique and shooting style before you can safely and comfortable shoot anything over 50#. It's not uncommon for a novice archer to start with 30#.
I would advice you to not buy this bow, simply because it will be too heavy for you. Adding the fact that you cannot be sure this bow can safely be drawn to 30" (since it is build for a 28" draw), I would advice you to look for a bow around 45#@30".
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Offline NoIdeaForMyName

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Re: PROBLEM!: HorseBow DrawLenght@28'' And my DrawLenght is 30.25''
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2012, 05:37:17 pm »
Did I say I never shoot bow? I don't think so. I said I never shooted traditional bow. I've 2 compound bow. I don't really mind about the draw weight of it.. I might have some difficulty with it at the beggining but it won't take long to get used to it. I'm just scared about the fact that it might break..

Thanks for your advice tho, I already ordered a second at 55lbs (It's still a high draw weight but I can't help it).
It's a long bow (72'' overall bow lenght).
And yea, about the horse bow it's probably not a authentic one but as long as it shoot well and I've fun with it :)

Have a good day,
