I had a boatload of luck with bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa)...all of it bad. In each case (three different trees) each stave produced a bow that was incredibly heavy, low cast, and exceedingly bad handshock.
I was trying for what I call an American Flatbow. Narrow nonbending handle, fadeouts about 2 inches, straight limbs for 60% of linb length and graceful curving tapers to the tips. I started with widths at about 1 3/4" and went as narrow as 1 1/2 inches. I was also using the "double your draw length plus 10%" for the bow lengths.
Now the pyramid bow has much less tip mass, maybe you will have better luck. Also, getting your wood from a source other then mine may help too. Not all bows are made of wood, not all wood makes a bow.
And of course....Post Pics!