Excellent job! Turned out very nice! So you have Yew trees in Switzerland?
Elm? Oak? Maple? Ok, the bull was a cow.

Wasn't sure, from the picture, just taking a guess. Yeah, a bull has extreme power, and the neck muscles are extraordinarily strong.

I am glad that your uncle survived the attack. We have some Highland cattle here in the U.S., I don't know how well established they are, but I know there are some in Montana, down near Townsend. yes, quite a set of horns on them, almost like a Texas longhorn, which we have down here in Florida also. A bull is nothing to take for granted, and they can be quite agile, especially a Brahma bull !

Your bow is very nice, and you did an excellent job, despite all the interruptions and family matters.

So how does it shoot? Any hand shock? The tiller looks great! So when are you going to make another one? Do you do any flint knapping? Is there a viable source of Flint, or chert, chalchedony, or any other form of knapable rock in Switzer land?
Switzerland is absolutely beautiful. I never got to visit there, but took a train through it on the way, to Berlin, and back to Italy. Absolutely beautiful! What
kind of tree is that, your son is swinging on?