Hi everyone
This will be a build-or-break-along. I will work on a close-to-scrap piece of black locust I got today. This is my second bow ever, so I am a bloody noob. No teacher around, either. Therefore I thought I could use help from you all and give you some entertainment and something to laugh at in return, ok?
I’ll go until It is a bow or broken. It will probably not be done quickly, however, since I have a lot of other stuff to do and chicken pox are due in a couple of days for the kids.

So this might take weeks actually.
I was making a sandbox for the kids yesterday. Sure was a nice day, the wind chasing clouds across me real fast, sun and rain taking turns in a fast pace, there was rainbows all the time.
My neighbour offered me some small stems for the frame when he saw me digging, telling me they’d be lying in the shrubs behind the houses. So I went there with my handsaw, and found three small, yet straight black locust trees. He said he’d cut them last autumn. Nice. Took some for the sandbox, some for me.
I figured since they’d been down for some time already, I’d probably best seal, peel and split them right away. The peeling was real easy, I could basically grab the bark on one side and simply tear it off in one swing. Splitting went well with two of them, with one, the split became more of a tear-out, leaving me with one half too thick and one too thin. Grrr.
Otherwise, it seems to be good wood, as far as I can tell. Those trees had been growing within a dense patch of maybe a dozen BL trees, in a opening torn by the wind couple of years ago. They had raced to the light and thus grown up more than sideways. It is actually the very first wood I see with the grain completely straight, not spiralling the slightest bit. There were thorns on the bark and I now see that they are rooted deeply within the wood, which will make for some pretty bad knots. And there is just enough heartwood to make a bow from it.