I've heat bent Yew with bothe steam and dry heat successfully, I've also heat tempered the belly on a Yew longbow which I'd got to floor tillered stage. I clamped it up with abaout 1.5" reflex and heated the belly slow and steady wafting it about until I just got a slight darkening of the heart wood.
I protected the sapwood with a couple of layers of cloth duct tape wrapped slightly onto the sides.
Here's a copy of my heat treating notes, using a temperature controlled hot air gun from Screwfix (which I subsequently wrecked bu not leaving it nozzle up yo cool

Heat treating/bending temperatures. 27/3/11
250 for bending won’t scorch the wood, but it will brown it slightly when kept in with aluminium foil (Yew)… maybe 210-220 would be better (yes that’s safer , be carefull not to forget it and leave it cooking for an hour!).
I protect the sapwood back with masking tape and duct tape, rub a bit of beeswax on the belly to help spread the heat/stop scorching. 30/04/11
350-400 for heat treating. (anything over 250 will brown)
Currently using 310-330 on the Yew longbow I’m doing for myself, heating in a bit of reflex and tempering the belly all at once on the roughed out bow. Aiming for a fast 50 pounder which is what I’ve now got, 99% of the reflex has pulled out leaving a straight fast bow.
Hope it's some help
PS Give it 3 days to re-aclimatize...