Its been quite a few years since I made arrows from doweled shafts. Charlie Jefferson(Stringstretcher) sent me some poplar dowels he turned from board stock. There was one all heartwood dowel so that was my first arrow to make. The shaft is natural color and I crowned it with spray Kilz primer paint and crested with craft paint.
The set on the far right I made to go with my 57" sinew backed osage. I used medium brown leather dye stained the forward portion but left the back of the shaft natural.
The set of arrows with yellow fletching was stained with green and orange leather dye. The last 10" of these arrows was tapered to 5/16".
The orange set was 6 Douglas fir shafts I won on a TG giveaway. I got the 6 matched shafts, 6 Classic plastic nocks, a bag of ground but not cut orange feathers and a roll of fletch tape.I used orange leather dye for the stain and white latex semi-gloss interior house paint for the crown. I also tapered these shafts to 5/16" so the 11/32" Classic nocks wouldn't fit.
All of the arrows are fletched with fletch tape in a slightly offset straight fletch. I used my own burn pattern on 2 sets of these fletchings and the yellow fletched and the single heartwood poplar arrow are fletched with 5 1/2" shield cut feathers. All of the arrows have self nocks with sinew wrap for support and the forward end of all fletching is also wrapped, some with thread, some with sinew. All were arrows were sealed with 2 coats of Tru-Oil. The tracers on some arrows is rabbit zonkers from a local fly tying shop.