Thanks Mike, that was another area I was looking at that i wasn't sure about. The area just left of the knot is actually bending some after a second look, but i do need to loosen up that area just outta the fade. But that's gonna hafta wait...
Working on it a little at lunch today, and the riser started coming undone at the glue line. The problem i've been battling is this: When i spliced the handle with backset, it left the belly needing to be flattened for the riser. So i flattened it as little as possible, but it still wound up about a 1/16" thinner in the center than at the beginning of the fades. It is still thicker than the limb just outside the fades, but it is wanting to flex at the splice. I hoped the riser would reinforce it enough, but it's not happening. Lessons learned the hard way on first splice
In retrospect, I think it would have been better to use some wedges to attach the riser without thinning the handle (or just have plenty of handle meat, couldn't do that on this one without loosing a lot of limb mass).
So, my plan is this now (you know i'm hardheaded n stubborn by now):
1. go on and reduce the thickness on the fades and inner limbs as needed
2. reglue the riser
3. Flatten the sides of the handle area and glue overlays on the sides overlapping the handle and riser
4. drill 3/16" holes and glue dowel pins through side of handle and riser to give a solid attachment and bring it all together
5. wrap in cordage set in glue
6. punch something if it comes undone
kinda like this:
Dunno if it's the best thing, but it's the best i've thought of so far, besides making it a kid's bow