Thanks for the advice guys. Pappy, since the last steam bending, all I have done is put a long string on it to check the alignment. How long would you wait for it to dry before resuming the bending and tillering? I have high hopes for this bow and sure don't want to mess it up.
I did consider using dry heat, but have never done it before. Thanks for the kind words and the help. I am glad to have PA to turn to - you guys have no idea how much you have helped me with my first bows, back when I was just lurking. This is a great website!
You are right JW, I am a full blown junky! If something won't let me sleep after a midnight shift, it is an obsession.
I have a little more roughing in work to do on the handle. I am planning on glueing up an arrow rest from some tool leather. That will be my next step.