Sorry to say, it did fret like mad

It's about 1 1/2" wide, tapering to 1/2" nocks, 72" long, and I glued in 3/4" reflex. I took it real slow and got a nice even tiller early on, but at about 6" braceheight the belly started to collapse, with many more frets joining in as I got to 27" draw with a long string as in the last photo. The worst fret nearly got to the hickory, but it didn't follow the string as much as I would have expected with all those frets. No more than an inch or so, though I bet it will gain some more if I dare to draw it to 28" with a short string.
It's so heavy I'm sure it will sink in water, so I was quite surpriced that it didn't do better.
I've glued on some horn nock overlays, and hope to finish it tomorrow. Looking very much forward to getting it sanded well and putting on some coats of danish oil.