Hi, I'm from the UK, and have just stumbled upon your site. I'm thinking of trying to make a Mongol type bow, but instead of the traditional method of horn/sinew (which I will tackle at a later date), I'm wondering whether or not it would be possible to make one from just wood & bamboo.
I know that the limbs would be under an enormous strain at a full 32 inch draw, and on such a small bow, traditional methods of bow building with wood, would not work. What I am thinking about is making the belly from several veneers of Ipe, and the back of the bow from several veneers of bamboo, and using hide glue to hold it all together. These veneers would be pressed together in a form/mould in much the same way as modern recurve limbs are made. Each veneer would be about 1mm thick. My thinking is that this would enable the bow to bend far enough, without breaking, whilst still retaining power.
Has anybody ever tried doing something like this before, and if so, what were the results?
If not, can anybody suggest any problems that they know of, that I may encounter.
I would like to try this, as an experiment, but if it's been done before, and not worked, I would like to know about it before wasting any time or money on the project.
Thanks in advance for your help, guys.