Well I've stumbled across a jackpot. Did a little craigs search early in the week, knowing i had a couple days off, and found a chainsaw (bought it for 60% of retail, still in the box!!), and an add for "free firewood, you cut"! Well y'all know what that means for us!!!
Here's what i came away with after about an hour and a half:

I'm 99% sure it's cedar elm, which seems to be good stuff. Bark is ready to peel off, which i'll do tomorrow when i split it.
The guy has about 3 acres of wooded area he's tryna turn into pasture, so i get to go back for more, hopefully with much more time than an hour to work!! There's some hedge out there as well as several other good trees, lotsa straight stuff

I love free!! (though my back tells me it wasn't all that free
