Main Discussion Area > Primitive Skills

Look what the mail man brought

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a finnish native:
maybe you should stain it with the blood of your enemy. The Great heathens in finland did so, and only after that it had some true value. of course the blood was washed off the blade but it gave mystical powers to it.  ::)

Pat B:
I don't consider deer my enemy but I will hopefully anoint this knife with deer blood ;D.   The morning of September 8th, I'll be waiting in ambush! :o ;) 8)     Pat

Pat I'm surprised yer mailman didn't make off with yer knife same as he does with yer PA mag ;D

that is a frikkin beautiful knife.  i hope i can make these things someday.

Glad ya'll like em Pat and Dick!! If you get attacked by somethin in the woods - get a good cut in then stab em in the eye with the tine ;D, ha, ha.

 Hey Justin: I tried a second chunk of your stuff and overkilled - used to hittin this Pederanales stuff, may have to put in another order soon :). We have a job starting up in WA state, if I drive up I'll give you a holler - maybe we can go rock collectin?


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