Main Discussion Area > Primitive Skills

Look what the mail man brought

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Pat B:
When I checked my mailbox 2 days ago on the way home there was a box inside with my name on it. ;D Inside was this knife from Cowboy  8)and a note.  A few months back I had made a trade and received a Nicholson #49. I already had one and cowboy was in need of one so I sent it on to him. I had forgotten all about it until the knife showed up. Cowboy said the blade is some of Justin's obsidian and referenced todays primitive trade routes. ;D I'll take this one to deer camp in 2 weeks and hopefully will be able to christen it.  ;)    Pat

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Sweet knife Pat, cowboy does some nice work eh. Now go get some blood on it but not your own ;D

Justin Snyder:
That is a nice knife.  I don't recall any of that obsidian looking nearly so good when it left.  In fact the stuff that stayed don't look that good either. Good job Cowboy, and good trade Pat.  Justin

Beautiful knife Pat,looks like cowboy took good care of you. :)

Hey Pat, each of us got a "Cowboy" knife. I tried mine on a tree rodent (squirrel) today, and it works fine. Ain't we lucky.   ;D



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