A while back I met a new neighbor, Bob. After talking a bit I found out the he used to shoot years ago. A bit more conversation and he expressed and interest in building a bow. I gave him a Hackberry stave and helped him rough out a bow. A week later I saw him again and he said the bow broke when he drew it and that it had termites in it!!! Well stuff happens so I gave him another and he is currently working on it. Meanwhile I saw one that PatB built I liked it so much I built him copy cat out of a vine maple stave. I think it came out pretty good. I tillered it to 42@ 27 and put a couple of hundred arrows though. I went over to visit today only to find that it had exploded on poor Bob.... I felt bad and don't know what happened??? This is the first bow I've had blow so it was a suprise and a half but I guess it had to happen sooner or later...
Take a look and see what you think caused it?

This is a link to all the pictures
http://s28.photobucket.com/albums/c210/coaster500/Bobs%20Bow/?albumview=slideshowThis is the same vine maple in this post and shows the split on the back... I thought it would be OK he only draws 26" inches at best!!!
http://www.primitivearcher.com/smf/index.php/topic,31773.0.htmlAnyway I had a little Osage bow from a belly split that I had save for someone else but Bob's got it not and shoots it pretty good. Darn I'll have to build another for the other person

Click for the video of Bob's new bow... my wife does a much better job... I just noticed Bob is sidways!!!