Now... i know we shoudn't do such things and i'm forever chastising myself for rushing my bow-making... but i am slowly learning to slow... it... all... down...
But... the sun was out, i had a pile of arrows to fletch and thought what can i do in an afternoon whilst waiting for the glue to dry!
So. i rooted around and the only decent (ish) bit of wood i had kicking around was 7' of Ash that was destined for a 'door surround'.
Not great grain, no chance of chasing a growth ring and just about wide and deep enough for a bow if i turned the grain end on...
So here's the result; grip and arrow pass salvaged from a bow that didn't make it

76" long and i threw in the towel at 56# @28" tillered to 30".
The tips are a bit stiff, but i was getting worried about room for the nocks, i've left some daylight between the elipse on the middle of the left limb and i think i need to let my bows 'work a bit more' as i'd really like the centre of the elipse nearer the full drawn position, but i'm, getting there! Well i hope so!

Just a bit annoyed that after three coats of sanding sealer and a new linen string... where i could have got to in another day!

Hope you like and any thoughts/critique welcome!

Oh, i got through the arrows, mowed my lawn and plinked away with my air-pistol as well! So yes a top afternoon and you can safely say the Megatron was 'out' and the kids had gone crab-fishing!

* I also now have a sunburnt head!