Author Topic: Alright gun guys, help me pick a handgun  (Read 14999 times)

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Offline J. DEMPLER

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Re: Alright gun guys, help me pick a handgun
« Reply #15 on: March 23, 2012, 09:53:25 pm »
Taurus titanium .357 , holds 7. Snubnose, ported, and very mean!
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Madison, Indiana

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Re: Alright gun guys, help me pick a handgun
« Reply #16 on: March 23, 2012, 11:52:57 pm »
I love revolvers but several companies make great compact nine MM now a days. I have a kelteck but the quality is questionable  larger cals are great but uncomfortable for most to carry. The gun that you leave at home is no good to you at all. Revolvers are just too wide for me for concealed carry. Hope that helps.
Rob - Wexford, PA

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Offline mullet

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Re: Alright gun guys, help me pick a handgun
« Reply #17 on: March 23, 2012, 11:59:14 pm »
I carried the Taurus 357 and the wife had a Taurus 38 special Titanium. They were both great guns if you didn't want to practice with them much. After a box of shells it felt like a Nun had beat your palms and the back of your thumb with a ruler.
Lakeland, Florida
 If you have to pull the trigger, is it really archery?

Offline jonathan creason

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Re: Alright gun guys, help me pick a handgun
« Reply #18 on: March 24, 2012, 12:34:10 am »
 A guy in my CC  class qualified with a S&W .357.  I was 2 people down from him on the line and could feel the shockwaves every time he pulled the trigger.  After we got done our instructor handed the guy his Glock.  I think the guys comment was " it's like shooting a BB gun."

I went and handed a couple of guns today.  The LC9 fits my hand really well, just need to put some rounds through one.
Cleveland, NC

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Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: Alright gun guys, help me pick a handgun
« Reply #19 on: March 24, 2012, 12:49:15 am »
About the only handgun that has any stopping power and still fits my hand is the classic 1911 .45 ACP. 

I like the way I can control the gun for the critical followup shot.  Studies show it is rare for the first round to hit anything in the self-defense situation.  Because of the single stack magazine the grip is a bit narrower and easier to control.  I fall in the quality of shooting vs qualtity of shooting camp.
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Offline stickbender

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Re: Alright gun guys, help me pick a handgun
« Reply #20 on: March 24, 2012, 12:59:05 am »
     I had bought my Girlfriend a S&W 38 air weight ( titanium ), and when she qualified with it at the range (She's a State Arson Detective) it would heat up and the the shells were difficult to extract.  We took it to the gun show, and sold it for what I paid for it.  She has a LCP she carries, as a back up, and a Astra AL75 she carries in her purse, and sometimes as a backup weapon.  She loves the Astra, it is a very light, and accurate little pistol. It used to be mine.  :'( She carries a Glock .40, and she has a Glock .45 as her personal gun, and a Sig 228, she purchased back from the dept. when the dept. went to Glocks. As for loads in her .38, for personal carry, she had Federal 125 grain +P hollow points.  At the range she used standard loads to qualify with.  If you have a light weight, or titanium 38, you can shoot plus "s, but a lot of shooting will loosen things up.  I have a model 37, air weight my Brother bought in the late sixties, and I have plus p's in it.   My Girlfriend has other guns also....... the overall majority of them were mine at one time..... :(  If you can carry a revolver concealed, by all means do so.  I still prefer revolvers, but the bulk is a factor.  I had a 4 inch barrel, S&W model 19, in .357......  but...... She..... has it now. :'(  I still have my six inch barrel 19 thought.  ;)  The overall majority of recorded shootouts, involving police, and civilians is supposedly something like 6-10, or 15' distances.
I do like the higher capacity clips, for the reason, when you need, the extra shot, it is nice to know it is there. Not to wish you had it. ;) Not that it is common to need it, but I am under the Murphy's Law, cloud. ::) As for training to have a natural reflex action in drawing your weapon, like it has been said, practice, and practice.  In the heat of things, it is good to be the one with the natural reflex, and positive response. ;)
     Good luck with your choice.  Choose what is comfortable and effective for you.
Yeah, years ago, there was a Gun Range down south of here, and a woman bought a small pistol, and took the safety course, at the gun range, and then bought ammo, and eye, and ear protection, and went into the range, and loaded her pistol, and turned to look at the staff behind the window that were watching her, and turned back around, and put the gun up to her head, and the staff were yelling and banging on the window, and some were running to the range, but she pulled the trigger! :o  Sad, but I can't help but to think why at the gun range?  Isn't there some place isolated, away from people?  Some place with a nice view?  If you're going to whack yourself, don't involve innocent people, who have nothing to do with your problems.  I feel sorry for those people, but why involve others, and drag them into a mess?!

Offline SA

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Re: Alright gun guys, help me pick a handgun
« Reply #21 on: March 24, 2012, 01:08:12 am »
I have a taurus 357 revolver 7 shot and I like it alot ,its fixed sights but still very accurate also you can practice with 38 rds and save money just use the 357's for protection.
Shawn Acker

Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: Alright gun guys, help me pick a handgun
« Reply #22 on: March 24, 2012, 01:14:16 am »
Because it is the ultimate in selfish acts, Stickbender.  What did she care about what hell others were being drug into, Drama Queen wanted to go out with a bang.  It was all about HER. 
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Offline Elktracker

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Re: Alright gun guys, help me pick a handgun
« Reply #23 on: March 24, 2012, 03:07:05 am »
My everyday ccw is a Smith&Wesson 340pd Airlight, its hamerless only 12 ounces unloaded and you can carry it comfortably without worring about anything going wrong with it, just pull the trigger till its empty. I use a custom pocket holster and you cant tell its there it has such a thin frame. I will say there are some bad points to it and those are its so light I sometimes forget its on me and it does have a bit of a kick with the 357 mags but 38 special are a breeze IMO. It was a little on the spendy side but I love it and dont have a problem hitting what im aiming at within 20 yards. Great gun check it out and at least have a look at it. then there is the trusty 44mag super black hawk for longer ranges and a bit more damage lol

my friends think my shops a mess, my wife thinks I have too much bow wood, my neighbors think im redneck white trash and they may all be right on the money!!

Josh Vance  Netarts OR. (Tillamook)

Offline nmcnaughton

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Re: Alright gun guys, help me pick a handgun
« Reply #24 on: March 24, 2012, 11:08:11 am »
Smith & wesson m&p 40 polymer frame every thing else stainless with melonite coating very durable

Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: Alright gun guys, help me pick a handgun
« Reply #25 on: March 24, 2012, 06:29:20 pm »
I'd also recommend the Heckler and Koch P7.  It's a hammerless semi-auto with no safety.  But it is a squeeze cock mechanism that takes over 3 lbs of grip to cock and an ounce to hold in cock.  In an "aw heck" moment you draw and make a fist - goes bang.  They are crazy safe, drop one in a cemt mixer with a round in the chamber and tumble all day, it can't go off, it remains uncocked and the firing pin is not even lined up with the primer. 

Slim profile in the Model 8, but they have a double stack as well for people with bigger hands and poor aim.

The barrel isn't rifled either.  It has 11 flat sides in a twist.  Clever.  Cleans easily.  The down side...puny 9mm.  I prefer a .45 with some authority.
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Offline stickbender

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Re: Alright gun guys, help me pick a handgun
« Reply #26 on: March 24, 2012, 06:45:29 pm »

     I had one of those.  Always worried when I squeezed it, and it went click.... ???
Then pulled the trigger, and bang.  Shot pretty well.  Took a little getting used to.  The NJ State police department switched to them, till a lot of their people were shooting themselves.  It has a polygonal barrel system, instead of rifling.  Sort of like bumps, in a spiral pattern.  They are still pricey, even for the used ones.  I can buy a nice 1911 .45 for the price of one of those, used p7, or p8's. ;)


Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: Alright gun guys, help me pick a handgun
« Reply #27 on: March 24, 2012, 07:30:42 pm »
The de-cocking click is the dangerous part....cops tend to shoot when they hear it.   >:D
Guns have triggers. Bicycles have wheels. Trees and bows have wooden limbs.

Offline H Rhodes

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Re: Alright gun guys, help me pick a handgun
« Reply #28 on: March 26, 2012, 06:51:38 am »
My usual carry gun is a little Charter Arms "off duty" model .38 cal. snubby.  It is easily concealed, lightweight, relatively inexpensive, and utterly reliable.  Handguns are close range weapons and are made to fight off an attacker - usually used up close and personal and the studies of trends in gunfights say two or three shots is the norm...  I think the five shot .38 fits the bill for a carry gun.  They are simple to operate, few moving parts, safety catches, etc... less things to foul up....  and a .38 has been around a long time and has left many a bad guy room temperature. 

All that said....  on duty,  I have carried a Glock .45 since 1994 and have nothing bad to say about it, except for the fact that it is a big gun that isn't easily concealed.   

there's one old cop's two cents worth.... 
Gautier, Mississippi


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Re: Alright gun guys, help me pick a handgun
« Reply #29 on: March 26, 2012, 07:53:04 am »
I really like my Glock 19

I shoot the 148gr flat nose, they stay subsonic and I can be very accurate,
 I got a 2# trigger and a heavy titanium recoil spring,
hard to beat the 15 rounds Magazine too.

all in all a fine gun indeed.