So I got it down to 7/16" thick on both limbs and kind of gotten the levers down but its 1" or so at the tips (most likely going to lower it to maybe 3/4" - 1/2", rather have it big and slow then narrow and broken

). I just finished backing it with 2 layers of burlag with lots of glue (would have it with too much glue rather then too little glue

) after I got it with a riser glued on and it bend with what I feel comfortable with it being draw to 20" with about 30# or so there. also I was getting worried so I decide I will put the backing on now rather then too late

. this is going to make it harder to measure the thickness isn't it

. I'm thinking of just staying here with it with maybe lowering the width of the levers with a tapering to that 1/2" or close to it.
Since they're still like long blocks with the corners rounded could I just sand down the corners so its more diamond like? wouldn't that both reduce the weight, size, and shape so its going faster and has less air resistants? I would like to draw it more but I woulkd rather have it lasting, it does fling those random arrows nicely though
