I've been lurking about the forums here for the past month or so, and finally decided that it would be much more rewarding and enjoyable to come in and say hello rather than peer through the window from outside.

I don't have much experience with primitive archery, but I'm looking to change that. I built bows in the back yard as a kid, and of course shot toy bows and the bows at scout camp, but most of my archery experience has been with the compound bow. And while I still love my compound bow, I really wanted to try something new, that in fact is old. Call it a Robin Hood fantasy, call it a "fantasy" fantasy, call it getting back to basics, I really wanted to learn about, build, and use primitive bows.
The first bow I've made that has reached the finishing stage is a 72 inch English D-style longbow, red oak backed with linen. It's pulling about 50# at 28 in. I'm very satisfied with it up to this point, but I'm hung up on the stage I was looking forward to the most: Finishing the bow. I've combed through tons of online articles and websites about finishing wooden bows, but I just can't seem to nail down something concrete. I was hoping for some seasoned bowyer advice, so I don't embarrass myself.

Here's what I'm going for: A black stain, the darker the better, but not so dark as to lose all the character of the wood. A gloss finish, evoking the look of black glass. A leather wrap handle of some sort. No arrow rest.
For the stain, I've been looking at Minwax's water-based Express Color Wiping Stain and Finish (in onyx). I love the color, but I don't know how it will fare with the linen backing. Does linen backing take wood stain very well? Does anyone have experience staining bows with linen backings? Is there another black stain that might work better? For the gloss finish, I really have no idea what to use. Totally clueless! Polycrylic, polyurethane, urethane? Water-based? Oil-based? There's too many choices! Also, i hear a lot about this, but do I need to oil the bow before staining and sealing, or will the stain and sealant take care of that? Again, clueless.

I'm really looking forward to finishing the bow, but I'm hesitant about it at the same time. Nervous, even. First time! Argh! Anyhow, thanks for listening to my rant, and for any advice you can offer to a noob! I'm excited about being able to talk bows with everyone here!