The Story I built my first bow from a hickory log on grandpa’s farm. My only instruction was a copy of “The Bent Stick” by Paul Comstock and my Irish determination. I was amazed that it didn’t break in the process but I ended up producing a 26 pound bow that shoots!
After some searching online I ran into Blackhawk who lives about an hour away. He invited me over and after hearing of my lack of wood offered me an elm stave to start working on. A few months and several lessons later that stave transformed into a hunting bow. Though Chris likely doesn’t think much of it, Blackhawk is an amazing teacher and his passion for the craft is apparent. His style of few words but tremendous impact reminds me of the many martial arts masters I’ve studies under over the years. He has effectively combined key instruction with the freedom to make some decisions and mistakes.
Of course, I have made mistakes along the way. However I feel confident in saying that any good in this bow is a direct result of Blackhawk’s instruction and any flaws are a direct result of my impatience or forgetfulness. The bow is hunt worthy and the lessons I will take with me forever. Though we may be too tough of men to say it in person I want him to know I truly appreciate all he has given me.
The bow had 2 knots in the top limb which were a first for me and gave me some grief. Good learning experiences all the way. The tiller is overly positive but it evens out a good bit at full draw.
The Stats NtN: 65
Weight: 45 @ 28
Wood: elm
Overlays: Some cool looking wood Chris gave me.
Tip wrap: Sinew from my 9pt taken in archery last year (woot!)