I just got back from an overnighter. No luck. No sign even. I am new to hunting Oregon's coast range, have always hunted the east side in the past, and new to hunting bears too. Let me say the coast range is steep, rugged, gnarly, hair-growing country...plus there is water and fresh browse everywhere. I was all over that damn trask/wilson unit the last two days. I used it as an opportunity to learn the area a bit, and get some bow wood

. I tried glassing some 2-3 year old clearcuts, and coastal fog rolled in. I tried calf calling, then the fickle mountain wind would flop on me. I decided to walk old logging roads stop and listen and hope I could catch a bear with his head in a log, ripping after ants, which I saw flying about. No such luck. I decided bears don't exist. They are like unicorns and the like....BS. Seriously though, you need hounds or bait to bear hunt out there.