hey guys, mostly im posting this one for gstoneberg cuz i dnt kow how to send a pic in msg form but i thought everyone else might enjoy a gander. This one is kinda special because it was the first real tree i cut down locally for staves. It is black ash as far as i know, judging by barrk leaf orientation, a tipoff from a local elder (my gma

), and the fact that being so far north means it is really the only ash tree tthat grows to full height ad in any substtantial #. I did note that unlike the rest of the stand (2 or 3 more that i cut) it as the only one with decent rings and early/latewood ratio.
it has jus been a side project that has been slowlyy nearing comletion for months, so my #s may be out a lil
56 long, 1.2 in max width, just under 50 at 27, unbacked, gentle setback at the handle = about 1.5 in reflex, initial setback was double that.
only full draw 2nite, braced and ustrung tomorrow.