Author Topic: Hide glue  (Read 12051 times)

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Offline michbowguy

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Re: Hide glue
« Reply #15 on: August 16, 2007, 12:56:03 am »
you can get the raw dog chews in small flat sheets, kind of like i/2 the size of kleenex sheet size.
slip this into a vice and take a wood plane or a flake of good rock and scrap off tiny strips...dont forget to do it over a piece of plastic because this dust does wonders on the glue itself, thisway when you boil the stuff down you can mix strips in with your sinew,and it goes a long way and is VERY TOUGH!
SHHHHHHHH. ancient chineese secwet.
jamie 2.

Offline kiwijim

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Re: Hide glue
« Reply #16 on: August 16, 2007, 01:32:17 am »
TTB volume 1, page 206: Knox Gelatin stronger than hide glue. This, apparently, is because it is more highly refined for to make it fit for human consumption. ie it has less impurities.
Anyway, hige glue and gelatin are both so strong, I think we may be splitting hairs. :)


Offline Kegan

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Re: Hide glue
« Reply #17 on: August 16, 2007, 03:30:20 pm »
Well, last night I got the bow sinewed- it still needs to dry but it looks pretty decent. A few gaps, but I have enough scraps to fill in the gaps and I'll put a little more gellatin on it. That stuff is tough. I am pleased so far with the turn out. Sinew looks neat ;D

Offline mullet

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Re: Hide glue
« Reply #18 on: August 16, 2007, 11:22:44 pm »
  Sounds won't have a problem with knox.
Lakeland, Florida
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Offline Justin Snyder

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Re: Hide glue
« Reply #19 on: August 17, 2007, 12:05:49 am »
TTB volume 1, page 206: Knox Gelatin stronger than hide glue. This, apparently, is because it is more highly refined for to make it fit for human consumption. ie it has less impurities.
Anyway, hige glue and gelatin are both so strong, I think we may be splitting hairs. :)

James does that mean everybody else who has tested it is wrong?  He also says you cant make glue from hooves.  I have done it.  However,  both are stronger than the synthetic glues, so either one is great.

Kegan, Im glad you got it done and are happy.  Justin
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Offline Kegan

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Re: Hide glue
« Reply #20 on: August 17, 2007, 05:00:31 pm »
Hey, do could someone tell me if the sinew will take a clear amber color when completely dry or will it retain some white throughout? I figured to give it two weeks, but would like to know so taht I don't jump the gun :).

Offline possum

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Re: Hide glue
« Reply #21 on: August 17, 2007, 05:08:27 pm »
well, mine has been dry for probably 3 months and it still has an off white color.  That clear amber color would be cool though.  Maybe if was this as the wrappings I use on arrows dry pretty clear.  And the ones I used to wrap a bow limb dried clear but it was only one piece of sinew wrapped side by side.

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Offline billy

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Re: Hide glue
« Reply #22 on: August 17, 2007, 06:19:00 pm »

Use Knox unflavored gelatin for your hide glue.  It's easy to mix, is super strong and works very well.  I used to make my own hide glue but watching a boiling pot of skin shavings for several hours got to be boring (and kinda smelly too).  Plus, the gelatin is so much easier to use.   By the way, if you ever do decide to make your own hide glue, don't ever, no matter what, let the water boil out.  Burned hide glue is the nastiest smelling stuff I think I've ever experienced.  I have a cast iron stomach and can smell rotten fish and animal guts all day long with no problem.  But the first time I smelled burned hide glue, I almost puked in my shoes!  Freakin' NASTY!!!
Marietta, Georgia