The postman delivered the mail this morning and I saw only envelopes. So I went to Tractor Supply to buy a bolt on gun/bow rack for my mountain bike. When I got home I saw a long package leaning against the wall with Priority Mail tape on it and new it was a bow and not a Flintlock, since one of those were on the way, also

Thanks, Chris, AKA, blackhawk ! There was an awsome osage gull wing style bow shooting somewhere in the 50's, I don't really care, because they shoot my 50-55# arrows real nice after I got the brace and nock point figured out.
I was going to get pictures, but, I shot it so long, and the wife was gone, So I'll post them tomorrow. It is definatelly going with me to Pappy's in November. That baby will slam an arrow.
Thanks again , Chris, pictures tomorrow, and real glad now the Old Chap on the island over the pond stiffed me.

Is the 2012 BT over, now?