Author Topic: "Tennese Hickory Comes To Michigan"  (Read 37770 times)

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Offline venisonburger

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Re: "Tennese Hickory Comes To Michigan"
« Reply #45 on: September 03, 2007, 12:34:45 pm »
She's looking nice Dana, I want to agree with Justin about the hinge being an illusion, keep at her she's gonna be sweet.


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Re: "Tennese Hickory Comes To Michigan"
« Reply #46 on: September 03, 2007, 09:56:33 pm »
looking at the unbraced pics and the drawn pics tells me your doing real good. peace

Offline DanaM

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Re: "Tennese Hickory Comes To Michigan"
« Reply #47 on: September 04, 2007, 11:37:35 am »
I recieved an e-mail from Scott today and he says he has a 29" drawlength even after explaining to
him how to measure, I guess it just adds to the challenge eh :-\
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Offline DanaM

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Re: "Tennese Hickory Comes To Michigan"
« Reply #48 on: September 05, 2007, 06:53:45 am »
I have 5 days off starting now  ;D ;D ;D no hunting seasons open yet, forcast is for rain, rain, and more rain
Hmmmmmmm what shall I do with my time? ;D Only have a few honey do's ;D
"Prosperity is a way of living and thinking, and not just money or things. Poverty is a way of living and thinking, and not just a lack of money or things."

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Offline Pappy

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Re: "Tennese Hickory Comes To Michigan"
« Reply #49 on: September 05, 2007, 08:05:16 am »
Sound like a good time to finish that one up.Man I wished we could get some of that rain,its drier that a chip down here.Bow is looking good so far looks like you are taking your time and doing a good job. :)
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Offline cowboy

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Re: "Tennese Hickory Comes To Michigan"
« Reply #50 on: September 05, 2007, 04:27:52 pm »
It may just be me, but I can't open your pictures Dana ???
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Offline DanaM

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Re: "Tennese Hickory Comes To Michigan"
« Reply #51 on: September 05, 2007, 05:00:50 pm »
hmmm don't get it did it same as always >:(
Lets try again eh.

Here's where I'm at 5" brace 50# at 22" Tiller is even at brace, right limb is a hair stiff, No hinges that I can see Looks like the last third
could bend a bit more. I took pictures while trying to hold er at 22" so their not perfect and the bow is sitting in the cradle a bit crooked.
What ya's think?
Weatherman is off again sun and 85 degrees, this could be our last hot day so I have to take advantage of it and get outside 8)
Going to build on a few deer blinds at a buddies, beer is after power tools are put away, well maybe ;)
As Pappy says "Life is Good"

All fixed Paul ;D

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« Last Edit: September 05, 2007, 05:02:25 pm by DanaM »
"Prosperity is a way of living and thinking, and not just money or things. Poverty is a way of living and thinking, and not just a lack of money or things."

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Re: "Tennese Hickory Comes To Michigan"
« Reply #52 on: September 05, 2007, 09:59:09 pm »
ahh, thanks Dana - I can see em now ;D. I'm no expert but I think your right - the right limb does look a tad stiff at halfway, but not by much! everything else looks perfect.
When you come upon a track or trail you do not know, follow it to the point of knowing.


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Re: "Tennese Hickory Comes To Michigan"
« Reply #53 on: September 06, 2007, 04:21:02 am »
dana, here's a little trick i like to use occasionally (and i know it would be easy for you to use  ;D )  when trying to judge how even the bend is, i like to overlap the limbs.  a photo-expert like you should have no problem with the virtual tiller  ;D

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Offline Pappy

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Re: "Tennese Hickory Comes To Michigan"
« Reply #54 on: September 06, 2007, 05:49:44 am »
Looking good Dana,I think if anything about 3 blocks out on the right limb may need a little something but other than that it looks great.Don't look like it is taking much set either.Only
7 inches to go.Slow and easy. :)It is probably close to 70@29 now so you have plenty to work with.What weight are you shooting for. :)
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Offline DanaM

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Re: "Tennese Hickory Comes To Michigan"
« Reply #55 on: September 06, 2007, 08:59:07 am »
Thanks guys, Marius thats a good idear, my wife is better than I at photo editing will ask if she can do that.
pappy anywhere from #55 would be ideal but anywhere in there is fine. Hope to get her shootin today.
I tried one of them walkie talkie stick and it worked pretty slick.
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Offline Justin Snyder

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Re: "Tennese Hickory Comes To Michigan"
« Reply #56 on: September 06, 2007, 10:41:15 am »
Marius/Dana, I'm not that cumputer savy.  I just make the grip on my tree backing go a little higher so I can compare the bow from the fades to the tips.  You just count how many lines out and how many lines down to a corner.  Then see if the bow crosses at the same spot on both sides.  Justin
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Offline DanaM

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Re: "Tennese Hickory Comes To Michigan"
« Reply #57 on: September 06, 2007, 11:17:36 am »
I've got her out to 55# at 25", both limbs are bending nice IMO. I would put pics up
but batteries went dead have to get some later on. I'm going to reduce the weight a bit more,
do some handle work and start shootin her in, I will put about 100 arra's thru it and see where I'm at.

Pappy what did you seal the back with? Can I sand the back down to smooth white wood to get the cambrium off?
I haven't decided on a finish yet, I'm gonna see if my sister-in-law will spring for some snake skins which
also would be a first for me.

I'm also going to get going on the sister bow for the bride I have it roughed out and almost floor tillered. ;D ;D
"Prosperity is a way of living and thinking, and not just money or things. Poverty is a way of living and thinking, and not just a lack of money or things."

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Offline DanaM

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Re: "Tennese Hickory Comes To Michigan"
« Reply #58 on: September 06, 2007, 12:53:03 pm »
Heres some more 55# at 28", I'm only pulling it 26" in the pic has about 1" of set after unbracing comes back almost even after resting
The brace is off a bit has a pos brace


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"Prosperity is a way of living and thinking, and not just money or things. Poverty is a way of living and thinking, and not just a lack of money or things."

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Offline Hillbilly

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Re: "Tennese Hickory Comes To Michigan"
« Reply #59 on: September 06, 2007, 01:06:20 pm »
Looking good.
Smoky Mountains, NC

Progress might have been all right once but it's gone on for far too long.