Author Topic: Bickerstaffe - How a bow is born  (Read 8138 times)

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Offline hatcha

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Re: Bickerstaffe - How a bow is born
« Reply #15 on: March 20, 2012, 03:06:04 pm »
Aha, now I know how he made my bow! :)

Thanks for sharing!

How long have you had it?  How good/bad is the set/string-follow?

Offline Phil Rees

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Re: Bickerstaffe - How a bow is born
« Reply #16 on: April 06, 2012, 07:16:34 am »
He is using cascamite glue. He also uses resorcinol.
I must get round to making a set of videos. It's good free advertising ;)
I've met him a couple of times and never quite managed to get out of him where he gets his osage from! He had a super stack of it.
Also does anybody know who sells hickory in the log?? I'm sick of searching through 2nd rate boards!

He imports his Osage and Hickory from the USA.

Offline Ian.

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He is using cascamite glue. He also uses resorcinol.
I must get round to making a set of videos. It's good free advertising ;)
I've met him a couple of times and never quite managed to get out of him where he gets his osage from! He had a super stack of it.
Also does anybody know who sells hickory in the log?? I'm sick of searching through 2nd rate boards!

I don't know how to get logs but for backings Timberline also known as Exotic Hardwood's are very good. I bought a piece of Hickory that gave me 17 4mm backings at a very good price, the quality was as good as you can get. Not only that I ordered it over the phone I never saw the board I bought until it arrived, so you can trust their selection.
ALways happy to help anyone get into heavy weight archery:

Offline robin_hood_777

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I have to say that Pip does an absolute awesome job making bows!  I lived i England for 7 years and shot several bows and later had one made for me by him.  So far, it is the best English made warbow that I have ever shot!