"You need the correct technique, then 80- 100 lbs is not a problem."Darn straight. Even light target bows should be shot with the correct technique not just heavy bows or warbows. Using your larger muscle groups like your chest muscles, kinda your stomach/core too, and back muscles (which are alot stronger than your arms), in effect makes it possible to shoot higher weight bows. Not saying that your doing it wrong now or anything. You should open up the bow with your chest muscles, which will require use of your back muscles naturally. Start with your drawing arm elbow up high a bit and bring it down at full draw, it is bad/hard for your arm (*I believe*) to force your elbow down during the draw if it feels uncomfortable to do so. Or at least it is for me. I could have a bad elbow and not know it but it does not feel right to me. Warning though, this can sometimes cause a little more stress on the lower limb of a bow. To me it is easier though to focus the strength of the pull on my main muscle groups when I put my drawing elbow up a bit during the draw and bring it down at full draw. In one complete motion. No bull, I am a puny small, 150 pounds, arms about as thick as a redbull can kinda guy, and after "teaching my body" a couple years ago I can at ease draw, hold at fulldraw as long as needed to aim, and shoot accurately (as much as I am with a light weight bow

) at about 30 - 40 feet up to 100# -110# at 28" - 30"... ...(as long as I can find a correctly spined arrow out of the pile of arrows on the floor...). So I am walking proof it is the technique not the man. I have seen and heard say that it is natural to stick your butt out a little bit too? LOL I don't know what thats all about but it seems to just happen.
EDIT: If your shooting 34# now, you will want to build up very slowly, as slowly as it takes. It is like playing an instrument, you gotta work at it everyday. If you slack off for a couple months, then you have to relearn some stuff sometimes. If you try to play a song that is to advanced for you, then it will just sound terrible and you won't be able to play it. The
only way to play advanced songs is to master the simple songs first, that is the only way to get what you need to play harder songs. And then when you can play the harder songs,
only when you can play them beautifully and perfect, then you can try to play the very hard master grade songs. So practice every day!