Best trout. Catch 'em break a couple of gill rakers and bleed 'em, gut and wash in pure cold water,build a great big fire, drink some whiskey, dredge them through some flour with salt and pepper,cook over coals in a cast iron skillet with about a half an inch of bacon grease in it, In your other pan is the big batch of fried taters and onions you made,also fried in a bit of bacon grease,drink some whisky,build up that fire and eat them trout and taters.If it's spring Morel mushroom time,have a mess of them sauteed in butter and fresh minced garlic to go with it.Drink some whisky. Enjoy that fire and make up some big,fat truths to tell your buddies around the fire.Drink some whisky and don't fall in the fire. You will remember them trout the rest of your life. Thats how we do it out west. ' Frank