I was home last weekend to spend a bit of time with mom and dad. Mom had both knees replaced a little over a month ago and dad has pretty much been playing nurse the whole time, so I think he was really wanting to get out of the house for a while. So I brought all my gear and we headed out to a nearby lake to get a bit of fishing in. Neither of us had caught anything for over a year so we didn't really have high hopes. Turned out I caught a nice Northern Pike (or Jack as we call them), and then about an hour later dad pulled in the biggest fish he's ever caught. My hand-auger drills a 6 inch diameter hole, and that bugger's head nearly got stuck in it

We measured him when we got home, it was just over 34 inches long. It was kinda funny, because we were within 100 yards of where I caught my biggest fish a couple years ago. And this one was almost mine too! He had a nibble on dad's bait, and then I saw him come into the screen on my underwater camera to check out my minnow. I jiggled it slightly, but he wasn't pickin' up what I was puttin' down. He just looked at it for a few seconds and swam away. Dad thought he had lost his minnow and started reeling his line in to check it, and then BAM, fish on!
Needless to say, we were both pretty happy with only catching one fish each

We ate good that night!
I figured some of you southern gents might like to see some pictures, so I brought my camera along.