I have been pretty happy for the most part with my source of sinew. The only thing is, they are actually being marketed as dog chews. I believe, don't know for sure, but I believe they are flavored somehow, even though the package says no basting or smoking, etc etc. I was wondering if I cleaned them somehow before breaking them out, if maybe I could get rid of whatever they may or may not of been flavored with. Washing them in hot water and soap doesn't do the trick so far. Would soaking them in something overnight maybe help? I have recently read someone saying them soak rawhide in washing soda to degrease, would this maybe help? They do have alot of fat usually left on them and are not cleaned very good, I was wondering if the fat going rancid could make them smell...

EDIT: I should of said, that this stuff smells like a dog treat smells I guess. All the sinew I have got fresh and dried myself has never stunk, but I clean them good of fat and flesh before they dry, so I was thinking it was either flavored or the fat going rancid making them stink...