ok, so my bowbuilding buds and i have been experimenting with means to heat and bend osage bows we are working on.
(other than using the heat gun which we have done many times with varying results)
unfortunately for them i am the only one in the group who gets online and reads all the info i can find before proceeding.
so they have to take my word for it...

this first attempt at making a tool for boiling a bow was actually taking from jim hamms book
bows and arrows of the native americans
(still one of my favs-simple, straight forward and to the point-easy for anyone to understand no matter how new at this)
brian bought a length of 4" steel tubing and welded a plate on one end to seal
nice way to get some work done and spend the evening round the fire with friends

and it worked quite well tho once in awhile it would belch a bunch of water.
but we kept a pot of water on the fire so we could add hot so it didnt have to reheat
how many old hippies does it take to clamp down a stick of wood...

so after that evening brian decided he could improve on the design

he cut a slot the entire length and welded another end to it
get a good fire going, lay the bow in, sit back and have a few beers with friends

once again those old hippy pals of mine love a good wrestle match with an inanimate object

ok this worked really well too and we never even had to add any water
btw both bows that were boiled came out just as wanted.
tho somehow i have no pix....