@straight arrow: thanks man, out to the farm to do some shootin this weekend!
@JWH: you have some pretty low standards to put me in there.

thanks much man, it's appreciated. Hopefully I put out work worthy of that comment some day.
@MoNative: thanks man. it's all a result of the help of others.
@Keenan: thanks much! Oddly enough my first bow (before I found this site and all) was from a hickory log. Glad to get back to the beginning and to chase my first osage ring!
@Jimbob: thanks, it's my best by far. Now hopefully it doesn't break! haha
The 61#er is shooting arrows much faseter than any other bow I've done. Getting 11 inch penetration in my target. Can't wait to take it to the farm this weekend and distance test it. I only tested my first bow (26#er) that reached about 75 yards. I have a feeling the arrows will be flyin a wee bit farther this weekend.

Hopefully HicoryBill will be able to stop by and let some wood fly! BTW 61 is a little heavy for hunting. I'm thinking 50-55 will be more comfortable for those cold unpredictable hunting situations.
I'm excited to take one step closer to my goal of letting blood be drawn this fall! I know I can get close to the deer I just need the bow and skill to close the deal. Sometimes easier said than done...