Cleaning up the crap hole you try to build them in!

I havent done much more than shovel curls out for a year straight and left the rest behind. I have a guest coming over Thursday and thought I'd better get after it. I should have taken before's, but most of you have seen pics of the dump. I hauled out a total of 90 gallons of junk, 35 gallons of dust, bark, shavings and curls. And about 10-12 empty packing containers of various sizes and shapes. Both air filters where plugged so I cleaned them up only to have them plug up again shortly after. Yah, it was dusty in there

. I also added the metal rack to free up my arrow building desk once again. It has been buried for a long time. I took a pic of the four corners and one in the center showing my now organinzed mini-stash of staves and such on the back wall. Some of you may recognize a few items. Tell me if you do, that may be kind of fun???