The hog hunt is over and I'm back home. Danny (sidewinder) will not get back home until very late tonight/tomorrow morning. The hog hunting was terrible. There were hogs on trail cam pics 10 days ago, but nothing seemed moving now. I suspect a new food source had opened up for them. They'll be back. Other than the hunting, we had a blast. Danny brought a hackberry bow he was roughing out.
Cipriano and Diego came by on Friday and got a hunt in, but saw nothing. I'd asked him to bring some salsa and he took a lot of grief for buying a non-Mexican salsa. Can't remember where it was from now though.
We cooked burgers and steaks over the fire.
Danny took a picture of his guide, a title I'm sure will be taken away after this hunt.
We did some shooting and a little knapping and flint hunting. The golf cart broke down and we had some trouble on the way home with a flat tire, of course there was no spare.
Very scary to change a tire with cars whizzing by at 70mph on both sides. There's more, but I'm pooped. Thanks for coming Danny and Cipriano (and especially thanks for saving the day by delivering that trailer ball this morning). Sorry about the poor hunting. We'll do better next time.