Wow! What a great weekend.
I spent the weekend in Dade City with some really good friends from this site, chipping points, working on bows , lieing, and sipping.
I had the pleasure again this year to camp under the big Live Oak with Roger (bonepile), his younger brother,I think we might be able to reel him in
, and Steve Parnel.
It rained off and on Friday but was a beautifull day Saturday. there were a lot of people and it seemed like since we were having so much fun under the Pop up pavillions Roger and I set up side by side we had quite a few people asking to knap with us.
We had a very nice guy from Glass Buttes and another nice Gentleman from Alberta spend tthe 3 days with us chipping along with Jim from Land O'Lakes Fl. working on bows on Sunday with Steve and myself.
Wayne, stickbender was also there Friday when I got there and Ryan Gill had a table set up with his fine, crafted, bows and matched points along with his lovely wife and little one.
Also, Steve and I were tillering his bows till 1 AM Saturday night While Roger provided music and refreshments.